Book low-cost Air Asia India last-minute flight ticket.
Air Asia India Airlines
Air Asia India airlines, comes under flights in India offers flight tickets at a very low price.
Get Refund
Can I cancel my Air Asia India flight and get a refund?
Yes, we may cancel our Air Asia India flight ticket after booking without paying any extra fares.
When we purchase an Air Asia India flight ticket that will fly 7 days later, only those flight tickets can be canceled within 24 hours of booking.
When we miss the option,
What are the extra fees to pay?
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Air Asia Airlines Flights |
How many bags are allowed on flights per person?
Air Asia India allows Two bags to carry as cabin bags and as check-in baggage one bag.
Handbag/Cabin bags
Check-in bags
( Length 119cms X height 119cms X width 81cms ) 319cms or 126inches
How much extra fares to pay for extra bags?
In-flight options
Foods and drinks-
Flyers can book foods and drinks in advance as "Pre-Book Meal" before getting on the flight through Air Asia India website.
Food booking time is 24hours before the flight's departure time.
See the meals Air Asia India offers to their passengers to get an idea.
In-flight entertainment-
On Air Asia India international flight in-flight entertainment system is available for passengers to enjoy the flight.
On domestic flights no in-flight entertainment is available.
So, what to do now?
Contact Air Asia India airlines-
Call Air Asia airlines: +91 80 4666 2222
+91 80 6766 2222 to interact.
Email Air Asia India: Email IDs ( open on a new tab and read carefully )
Air Asia India contact page (open on a new tab)